Glitchy Pancakes
Glitchy Pancakes
110 - The Amazing World of Sci-Fi and Fantasy Art w/ Amanda Makepeace & Charles Urbach
The art of science fiction and fantasy inspires us, amazes us, and fills us with the same sense of wonder that first made us fans of science fiction and fantasy. From our favorite book covers to RPGs to gaming cards to convention art shows, this genre wouldn't be the same without the artists who make it all look so fantastic. Today we dive deep into the world of fantasy & science fiction art with two of the greats: award-winning artists Amanda Makepeace and Charles Urbach. Enjoy!
SIDE NOTE: Do not anger the Art Gods. One of us apparently said something that upset them, and they did promptly smite us by having our recording platform drop Rob's audio during recording. Thanks to Allie for stepping in. Moral of the story: respect the Art Gods or BE SMOTEN!
AMANDA MAKEPEACE: http://www.amandamakepeace.com/
CHARLES URBACH: https://www.facebook.com/CharlesUrbachArt/
Changeling Artist Collective: https://www.changelingartistcollective.com/
Bird Whisperer Project: http://birdwhispererproject.com/
Chesley Award finalists: https://locusmag.com/2020/08/2020-chesley-awards-finalists/